Wednesday, January 20, 2021

i would never have predicted that the thumb would be the biggest wuss of the hand...


Howdy! This is the last post until Monday, so I hope you enjoy it. And, don't forget--your thumbs will freeze on a cold day in a bike, even in gloves. ;)

~deine sarah

but apparently when youre riding a bike home in the dark and its 26.6°F outside thats the digit thats going to be the worst off...stupid thumbs

so howdy!  hower yall doing today, on what is most likely a holiday for you?  im in school.  boooooo...(schade (shh-ah-duh))

well its been like a week, so whats been going on...

first, school here is still a bummer, just like school in the states (who am i kidding, i LOVE school! but its still less fun) and i had my first test on friday.  i got an 80 which is apparently smack in the middle of the b's so thats...good?  meh.  i have another quiz today, which will be over before any of yall read this so asking for prayer is a moot point, ha.  

saturday we went to hamburg and had a great time walking around the city, and to the top of st michaels church tower.  wouldnt have been too bad but the elevator broke literally an hour before we got there so we took the stairs.  all 440 (or so) of them!  that was tres horrible!  we were like, ummm can we just turn around?  we changed our minds...the view was almost worth the psychotic amounts of stairs so i guess thats okay.  then we met some parent-aged men who were over from TN so that was cool and one of them was a pastor of a free will baptist church there so that was nice to talk to a "normal" person.  we finally left the city on the 1055 pm train and it took an hour to get to the 30 minute-away destination...bummer again!  

but it was okay and i got home and had funny conversation with my roommates, lena and luise, about what they had predicted i would be like.  they were apparently seriously fearing that i would have brought a picture of g.w. and put it up in my room and then apparently svend was threatening that if i had done that hed post a picture of merkel.  then we talked about how germany doesnt really use its flag in too much stuff and that no one here knows the national anthem.  WEIRD right?  they thought it was weird that we say the pledge every morning and i then allowed them to heard my recitation of it so that was funny...

yesterday, breakfast was at 8 (NOOOOOOO good) and it was fun and they are silly and i hate hate hate hate HATE that they all get dressed before they eat breakfast.  i guess thats why i mostly eat breakfast in my room.  if i didnt id have to be already dressed and i think thats stupid.  i should have them have an "american" breakfast with eggs and french toast (american? ha) and IN THEIR PAJAMAS.  i think svend even shuddered when i told him that i wore pajama pants to school almost everyday for 4 years!  ahahahahaha...i love it.  then we rode our bikes to church (and i fell off and now have a bruise on my knee).  

CHURCH WAS AWESOME!  i loved it a lot!  i think i understood most of the things they said, and i think it was an evangelical free church but they didnt really read directly from the Bible, but we definitely sang songs i knew, such as "what a friend we have in Jesus!" so that was sooo comforting i almost cried.  but i kept it together.  hehehe...

what i got out of the sermon (i think it was about how Jesus gives us new life, esp using lazarus) was that lazarus is symoblism for us.  maybe ive gotten that before but it sure was awesome to hear it!  it was sooooo cool too because i know it was totally Holy Spirit because i was sitting there listening, and sort of understanding what was being said and then WHAM!  "lazarus is a metaphor for the redeeming work of our Lord" or something pretty close to that whole sentence just popped into my head.  i love when He does that!!!  (thoughts??  i love hearing what other people think about this stuff!)

so then later i went to ultimate frisbee practice.  i guess here is when a lot of people check out and some others really really start to pay attention (hahaha)

well theyre the farmers apparently and they play inside when its cold out but they pretty much are horrible.  i dont know if thats mostly a result of me knowing that theres better out there or what but MAN was i disappointed.  i mean, they kind of know the rules and idk how often ill go...maybe once a week.  

when i get out of class ill finish and send this...

okay, im back!  the quiz was super easy so thats always good right?

um so why ultimate was depressing...theyre more of an intramural group and they dont really know whats up and SkyU! is so amazing, how could i NOT be unsatisfied with a new group??  but for real, they travel (to a point even i would call it) they throw blades as though theyre like, legitimately good throws.  i didnt try to catch them at first because i was like "yeah right!" and then i realized that it wasnt that the hammers werent flattening out it was that thats how they ACTUALLY meant for it to go.  i dont think ill take my discs back.  in fact last night i had a dream that one of my discs got torn so i really think it freaked me out.  for more details email me because i dont want to bore everyone with frustrations most of the people wont get.  

well i guess thats "all" i have for this chapter...i will try to write more often as my week-long silence on here raised some eyebrows (btw, "eye" is really difficult to type on a german keyboard!).  miss and love yall bunches!  write when you get time, i love getting mail (electronic or otherwise!)!!!


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