Wednesday, February 10, 2021

yeah, i got nothin...

Hey, hi, howdy! Today's note is from 8. February. The next ones are two from 13. February, so keep an eye out for a couple this weekend (or at the beginning of next week). This one made me laugh out loud, realizing that I am still not a huge friend of technology. The trip to Berlin was the first one, and I am so grateful that God gave me a friend in that city that semester. I love Berlin now, and, if you'd've asked me that day, I don't know that I would have been able to fathom that. God works in mysterious ways, they say, because Berlin is my favorite city in the whole world, now. What is your #lieblingsstadt (favorite city)?


so i apologize for the whole week which has elapsed since i last told yall that i would email more frequently...things have gotten a little crazy...
so, im sitting on the floor of my friend jennies apartment in berlin.  thats right berlin.  how awesome is that?!?!  pretty awesome, indeed.  and im coming to berlin with some other people next week, as well, so that should be a fun time.
as mentioned before, things have really started to pick up and i am having fun. real fun!  this morning i was walking around lueneburg and now im in berlin.  public transportation is super neat!  i guess i dont really have all that much to talk about for now...things are pretty boring, me guesses, so ill tell you guys what we did tonight...
so i got to berlin at like, 515 and then hadda find jennie in about the craziest train station, EVER, so that was crazy.  but eventually, we connected and then really had no plan.  so the plan is (still) that there is no plan, but hey thats cool.  we bought me a train ticket from some girl on the street who was pretty scary but actually had valid things to sell, so thats good right?  i must admit that i was pretty skeptical but then it turns out that random girls on the street dont lie...well at least not this time. 
so we got back to jennies and its pretty much about 111 (but whos really counting right?) steps to get up to her apartment, so that was an adventure and then we pretty much roamed the streets for the next few hours and eventually here we are!  we ate schnitzel, had some crazy good dessert and got to see some of what would undoubtedly be a really beautiful city...if it was 60 degrees warmer.  the grass is always greener, me guesses...
next week i have a lot to do, as well, but i hope that ill get to send an email out more frequently.  really!  uummmm, i guess thats all for now, more when i can think of things worth writing but i almost just lost this whole draft (ive never claimed to be a friend of technology) so i think im done!

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