Wednesday, January 27, 2021

just the facts maam (and sirs)

Well, hey there. Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, so we had an interesting time in class, discussing what the Holocaust was, why it is so important to reflect, and why things like that happen (and how to prevent them in the future (spoiler alert: it's to remember that EVERY PERSON has value and worth, by merit of being a human)). It was an interesting time to get the kids thinking and talking about their opinions and thoughts about a wide range of topics around this idea. I was particularly grateful to have a short video from my friend, Aaron, with Jews for Jesus to really get the conversation started in a productive way. It's the first time I have really broached the subject with my students before, and I am glad I did. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have big talks with my kids and, hopefully, give them something to chew on going forward. Kindness is so important, y'all, and we are ALL capable of great evil AND kindness. 

Without further ado, the post from 27.January...

~deine Sarah

i promise im trying to be better about sending these with more regularity, but not having a computer at home really cuts down on the success of that plan. 
today is friday, and i already took my test, so thats nice!  at 215, were going on a tour of the town hall and the salt museum, so those should be interesting and good to learn about!  the semester is really starting to fly by already!  i can hardly believe that ive been here for three weeks!  its crazy! 
i guess ill use this email to send praises and prayer requests.
ill start with some praises and then some prayer requests and end with some praises again because theyre good!
my first praise is that i am being required to get close to God because otherwise i dont think that i would be able to make it through the semester. 
also, the sun is shining today!  whoop!  i hope that it gets warmer soon.  i know thats not really practical, but what is a girl without a dream?
i love that i get to see calvinism work every day!  every time something good happens i get to see God loving me and when non-believers do things for me, i get to think "thanks, God, for using that person to love on me right now."  because thats the other half of T(otal depravity) right?  that the good we do comes from God?  whoop!
some prayer requests...
im still having a hard time adjusting and most of the time i could cry at any given moment, and i hate that!  but im told its 'normal' and that "this, too, shall pass" so im trying to get by and not doing so well at it but things have got to get better soon!
would yall pray for the other people on this trip?  its fun to get to know them because i dont think that any (maybe one) of them are Christians, and their stories are similar and basically they arent Christians and what do non-Christians need most?  Jesus! 
i still havent really found my groove and it seems like each day is harried and the only things that are very settled are my quiet times though those are intermittently interrupted, so would you pray that my desire for the Word and time with God would be increased and that i would be excited to get to spend time everyday?
and i worry too much.  about everything.  and i know that God will take care of it but i dont want to really believe that so it feels like im trusting Him but only with one hand because i need to be able to catch myself if i fall (which would only be through fault of my own...).  thats a really exhausting way to live, im coming to realize!
i guess thats all i have for that section...on to the end, which is...MORE PRAISES!  whoop!
i get a chance to talk to people about God a lot, and no one seems to be too strong in their anti-Christian sentiment, and people are even coming to talk to me about religious ideas about things!  awesome!  pray that i would continue to be led by the Spirit in those situations because its no surprise that Gods words are better, more poignant, and more effective than my own!
God is good to me, and He loves me!  and He truly is the God who waits and will always be there for you, but only on His time and thats always just in time, so thats awesome!  He really has been protecting me so far on this trip and I am so very thankful for that! 
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation!  Oh my soul praise Him for he is thy hope and salvation! 
love hearing from everyone, so thanks for being an interactive group!  i love each of you dearly, and wish that i could be martin luther and own a house thats as big as a hotel when i get back so that i could have all the people i hold most dear within reach! 
ps--for those of you who are wondering what im doing in quiet times, im reading through Isaiah in the evenings and skimming Proverbs in the mornings. 

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